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Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s custody battle to be settled in the US

A judge has ruled Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s messy custody battle be settled in America, under the US legal system.
Madonna and Guy Ritchie

The High Court judge involved in the exes messy custody battle over their 15-year-old son Rocco has urged them to work things out and stop ruining his childhood.

Rocco has remained in London with his father after a visit and has refused to move back with his popstar mum, who lives in the States.

However, a High Court in London has ruled the Material Girls singer can end her legal action in England, with future court hearings to be heard in New York.

“For all the media coverage, comment and analysis, this is a case born out of circumstances that arise for countless separated parents the world over,” High Court Judge Alistair MacDonald said.

“I renew, one final time, my plea for the parents to seek, and to find, an amicable resolution to the dispute between them. Because agreement is not possible today does not mean that agreement will not be possible tomorrow.”

“Most importantly … summer does not last forever. The boy very quickly becomes the man. It would be a very great tragedy for Rocco if any more of the precious and fast receding days of his childhood were to be taken up by this dispute.”

Madonna’s custody dispute over her son Rocco first erupted in December last year.

“Far better for each of his parents to spend that time enjoying, in turn, the company of the mature, articulate and reflective young man who is their son and who is a very great credit to them both.”

“It would be a very great tragedy for Rocco if any more of the precious and fast receding days of his childhood were to be taken up by this dispute,” he concluded.

Judge MacDonald had previously urged Madonna and Guy, who divorced in 2008, to try and settle the dispute harmoniously for the sake of their son.

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