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Lonely Ange confesses: I have no friends

Lonely Ange confesses: I have no friends

As she focuses on her charity work, Ange reveals the truth about her lonely existence.

Jennifer Aniston has Courteney Cox, Drew Barrymore has Cameron Diaz and Oprah has Gayle King, but when it comes to BFF status, Angelina Jolie is seriously lacking. In a demoralising confession, the actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador has admitted she has no real friends to turn to when the going gets tough.

“I don’t have a lot of friends to talk to. I mostly talk to Brad,” Ange told CNN during an interview while visiting Pakistan, hiding her embarrassment with nervous laughter.

It’s an ironic predicament for the actress, who’s invested her life in being a “friend of the world”, but has few pals herself. Those within Angelina’s inner circle say her admission comes as no surprise, explaining she’s not the warmest person to be around.

“Angelina has no real friends,” says a source. “When she works, she doesn’t talk to anyone. Everyone will be buzzing on set, or in the studio for a photo shoot, and when she walks in, the immediate silence is deafening. She does her work and goes. She’s a very intense person.”

Add to that her reputation as a man-eater, and Angelina struggles to find women who want to get close to her.

Related Video: Angelina’s lonely life

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