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Liz Hurley: Why I love Shane

Liz Hurley: Why I love Shane

In her first interview since announcing her engagement to Shane Warne, Liz Hurley has revealed exactly what she loves about the Aussie cricket legend. And, quite simply put, he makes her happy.

“We have a lot of fun together, we laugh a lot and that’s very important to me,” she said in an interview with the UK’s Daily Mail.

“I couldn’t put up with ‘serious’ for too long. I don’t care what anyone says about me smartening him up — we’ve both been around too long to care, and that stuff really isn’t important.

“My family and my new family with Shane and his kids are what’s important. His children are really beautiful, sweet and affectionate. They get on brilliantly with Damian, and as an only child, it’s great for him to have them around when they come to stay. I love having a lot of people in the house — the more the merrier.”

But her happiness isn’t the only thing that attracts her to Shane. The 46-year-old UK actress says she finds his Australian qualities very appealing and says she has always had a fondness of Australia.

“There is enough Englishness [in Australia] that we feel at home, but there are enough differences to make it exciting,” she said.

“They make tea and they eat sausage rolls, play cricket and rugby. I love Aussie accents, too. And I do think they have more of an openness of spirit. Shane has all those qualities.”

The newly engaged couple, who announced their engagement over Twitter, are not in a rush to tie the knot.

“We aren’t making any immediate plans to get married – we’re going to enjoy being engaged for a while,” she said.

“We both want to spend more time with each other’s families, and Damian and I are looking forward to visiting Australia together in the near future.”

Liz also says Shane is a “very good dad” and says the pair is committed to raising both his three children and her son Damian as one big family.

With both Shane and Liz recently divorced the Gossip Girl actress says she tries to keep thisng calm between both her exes and Shane’s ex-wife Simone.

“I find it much harder to be at war. It’s just easier when we all get on, and I don’t see why we shouldn’t,” she said.

“Hugh, Arun, my sister and I went on holiday together many times, and Shane plays golf with Hugh regularly.”

In the interview Liz also addressed Shane’s notably new look.

“I think he looks best in sports gear, and in my opinion he looks exactly the same as he always has – he’s just lost a hell of a lot of weight, about two stone,” she said.

She also said he has borrowed her moistruiser in the past, but now he has his own.

“I don’t want him putting his great big fat fingers in mine. He has a really big right hand from chucking a cricket ball thousands of times,” she said.

“I’ve never met a man who didn’t like face cream or who wasn’t secretive about his diet. They are obsessed with their bodies. They spend hours in front of the mirror, pinching bits, going on mad runs, all of them.”

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