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Lindsay arrested and facing jail

Arrested following a bizarre car chase through the streets of LA, Lindsay Lohan is now looking at up to eight years in jail.

The timing of Lindsay’s arrest could not be worse — she was already facing DUI and drug possession charges after crashing a car while under the influence on May 26, and has just completed a 45-day stint in rehab.

Her original charges carried the risk of more than a year in jail, and the new charges have experts predicting she could get as many as eight years behind bars.

Celebrity lawyer Mark Geragos says the second arrest so soon after her last indiscretion could spell disaster for the fragile star.

“The prosecutor can allege she’s committed a new crime while out [on bail from the first],” he says, which could make her situation that much worse…

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 30)

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