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Leonardo DiCaprio rents out his New York Apartment for $32k a month

Want to try a slice of Leonardo DiCaprio’s luxurious lifestyle for your very own? You can - if you happen to have a spare 30 grand lying around...
leonardo dicaprio

Want to try a slice of Leonardo DiCaprio’s luxurious lifestyle for your very own? You can – if you happen to have a spare 30 grand lying around…

Want to try a slice of Leonardo DiCaprio’s luxurious lifestyle for your very own? You can – if you happen to have a spare 30 grand lying around….

Leo is renting out his luxurious new apartment in New York’s Greenwich Village for $32,000 (US $25k) a month after forking out $12.9 million (US $10million) for it less than a year ago.

The luxurious two-bedroom pad is part of a luxury apartment development known as the Delos Living “Wellbeing” themed building which features myriad luxurious health-centric fixtures.

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Such features include anti-microbial coating on high-touch areas, filtered air and water, Vitamin C-filtered showers and a lighting system designed especially to fit with the residents’ night-time circadian rhythms.

This circadian lighting design reportedly features a glowing “dawn simulation” while other features include a circulated aromatherapy air supply and posture-supportive heat reflexology flooring.

Holistic health and New Age guru and author Deepak Chopra was reportedly an investor in the building along with former US President Bill Clinton. Incidentally, Clinton’s daughter Chelsea reportedly has a luxury NYC apartment of her own – right next door to Jennifer Lopez.

Unfortunately Leo’s rumoured new girlfriend Rihanna will have to wait a while before she can soak up this slice of luxury “wellness” real estate with Leonardo, because for now, he’s renting this pad out to high-profile economic advisor Jonathan Orszag.

Nice life if you can get it! Flick through the gallery to see the New York pad in all its opulent excess!

Want to try a slice of Leonardo DiCaprio’s luxurious lifestyle for your very own? You can – if you happen to have a spare 30 grand lying around….

After forking out $12.9 million (US $10million) for his New York pad less than a year ago, Leonardo is reportedly now renting it out for a whopping $32,000 (US $25k) a month.

Located in New York’s Greenwich Village, the luxurious two-bedroom pad is part of a luxury apartment development known as the Delos Living “Wellbeing”-themed building.

The building reportedly features myriad luxurious health-centric fixtures.

‘Wellbeing’ features include anti-microbial coating on high-touch areas, filtered air and water.

If that’s not enough, other features include a circulated aromatherapy air supply and posture-supportive heat reflexology flooring

The pad even features “Vitamin C-filtered showers” to balance the chlorine levels in the water for maximum skin protection.

And what’s a luxury New York apartment with a private home cinema?

Perhaps one of the most indulgent features is a circadian lighting design to fit with the users sleeping patterns so that getting up to use the loo in the middle of the night no longer has to be marred by harsh overhead lighting that disrupts the body’s natural sleep rhythms.

The grand kitchen comes with it’s own juicing station.

We wonder if Leo’s rumoured new girlfriend will drop by to spend any time in one of the apartments luxurious bedrooms?

A glimpse at the rooftop view from the top of the building – unfortunately this area is reserved for the penthouse owner, but we’re sure party boy Leo would talk his way up there anyway while in residence.

The master bathroom – because who wants a bath when you can have an Olympic sized swimming pool instead?

We’d never expect anything more modest from Leo anyway!

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