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Leonardo DiCaprio mistaken for homeless person

Did hunky Leonardo DiCaprio go too far in his physical transformation for his new role?

It’s no wonder Leonardo DiCaprio gave his make-up artist on his new film The Revenant a special shout out during his Golden Globes win on Sunday night – she did such a good job the Hollywood hunk was actually mistaken for a homeless person by other real-life vagrants!

While chatting to Ellen about his new film the 41-year-old said that sometimes he and cast mates Tom Hardy and Domhall Gleeson would wander into the remote Canadian town near to where they were shooting and because of their beards and make-up they would be mistaken for local tramps.

“When we came into town, there was a lot of like, homeless people that would recognise us as their friends and offer us beer and things like that and we’d have conversations with them,” said Leo.

“But a lot of the times, we were very unrecognisable to most of the people we knew!”

Leo grew a thick beard for the role but revealed he still had to sit for five hours in the make-up chair to get the authentic look needed to portray his onscreen character Hugh Glass, who in the film is mauled by a bear and abandoned in the wilderness.

“I had a fantastic make-up artist in this movie who did all the stuff from the bear mauling and all this wax that she dribbled all over my face every day,” Leo told Ellen. “It was about a four to five hour make-up job every day with all the scars … so again, it was just a joy, the whole experience!”

Leo in The Revenant.

And while a beard might be handy for the star to go incognito in public Leo said it’s far too much work.

“I don’t think I’ll ever have a beard like that ever again, unless it’s for a role,” he said. “It’s hard to maintain. Stuff gets in there, you’re eating and then food falls in there … You have to shampoo it, I did (condition it), ‘cause you do want it to be soft, otherwise it gets like a Brillo (scouring) pad!”

Leo received a standing ovation when he collected his Golden Globe nod earlier this week and is tipped as a front runner for this year’s Best Actor Oscar.

The star has been nominated for a total of five Oscars; three for Best Actor, one of Best Supporting Actor and one for Best Picture as a producer – but thus far he’s gone home empty handed.

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