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Lara Bingle breaks her silence and hits back at gossip columnist

Model Lara Bingle has taken to Facebook in defence of her sons name

Model Lara Bingle has taken to social media to defend her newborn sons name.

Lara, who is married to actor Sam Worthington, reportedly gave birth to a baby boy on March 24 in Los Angeles. They named him Rocket Zot Worthington.

The pair have kept the happy arrival quiet, refusing media requests including those from The Weekly online.

But sadly, her radio silence has led to a lot of rumours and nasty commentary bubbling to the surface including a scathing piece in The Daily Telegraph today by gossip columnist Annette Sharp.

“Off she [Lara] went,” writes Sharp.

“Possessed of the crazy notion she was capable of naming her new infant son with actor Sam Worthington all by herself.”

“Zot is a travesty — a mere verbal scribbling.”

But Lara has hit back at the column writing on her business, The Base, Facebook page today describing the article as an embarrassment.

“This quote taken from a balderdash article in The Daily Telegraph Australia, April 4, 2015 – is very embarrassing,” the post said.

“My sons middle name IS a respectful nod to my late father, whose nickname was affectionately, Zot.

“I wish Australian journalism, and in particular The Daily Telegraph, would rethink employing people who have some respect, and integrity, who either fact check or not comment – rather than just print the juvenile, spurious ramblings of some pseudo journalist called Annette Sharp.”


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