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Lara Bingle finds new home in New York

Lara Bingle finds new home in New York

Sam and Lara Bundle up in the Big Apple as temperatures hit -4. Picture: Splash.

After revealing to Woman’s Day that she was “quitting Sydney”, it looks like Lara Bingle has found a new home.

The bikini model is making good use of her coat collection as she bundles up and starts a new life in the Big Apple with her beau, actor Sam Worthington, 37.

The 26-year-old celebrity, who made a name for herself as a bikini-clad beauty in her “Where the bloody hell are you?” tourism campaign for Australia in 2006, has now left her homeland once and for all.

In a conversation on Instagram between Lara and New York-based photographer Ben Watts, the brother of actress Naomi Watts, the blonde beauty confirmed the move.

When Ben asked, “When are we shooting…Your in New York City?”, Lara exclaimed, “I’m here to stay! Catch up this week?”

In January, Lara revealed she was fed up with her lack of privacy in Australia.

“Sydney’s my home but I don’t like it,” she confided exclusively to a Woman’s Day photographer. “I can’t even go to the supermarket without getting papped [snapped by paparazzi]. I don’t like the attention.”

Her Aussie boyfriend of five months agrees.

“Sam hates it! We don’t get any peace,” Lara said.

Lara revealed that the pair seem to get papped “everywhere they go”, so we aren’t sure if her new digs will deter paparazzi attention.

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