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Ladies man Connor Cruise

Ladies man Connor Cruise

Tom Cruise has a new mission impossible – controlling his son’s love life.

He’s a handsome budding actor who has women falling at his feet. Nothing unusual in that – except the young man in question is 15 years old and his dad is Tom Cruise.

Sources close to the star tell us Connor Cruise is driving his famously controlling father crazy with his amorous antics. While he used to be a shy, reserved kid, in the past year he’s reportedly hit a hormonal stage and has turned into a “teen terror”.

“All he can think about is girls, girls, girls,” our insider says. “He’s always flirting on the internet, where he’s amassed hundreds of female fans. His male friends refer to him as ‘Cool Connor’ because he’s become so good at sweet-talking the ladies.”

Tom, 48, was clueless about Connor’s conversion from wallflower to playboy until he saw his son in action at the New York premiere of wife Katie Holmes’ film, The Romantics, on September 7.

While Tom was working the room at the after-party, Connor was getting numbers from much older women. A witness reports, “Tom flipped out when he saw Connor standing by the bar in a sea of scantily clad women, with his arm around one who appeared to be in her late thirties.”

Related video: Tom Cruise in Knight and Day

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