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Ladies knitted mesh singlet


Milford Knitting and Crochet Cotton 4ply (50g balls): 2 (3, 3, 3, 4) balls.

One pair each 3.25mm and 3.00mm knitting needles or sizes required to give correct tension.

One stitch holder.

Note: Yarn quantities are approximate only as they can vary between knitters. Use only the yarn specified for this garment. Other yarns may give unsatisfactory results.


This garment is designed to be a neat fit.

Size: 8 (10, 12, 14, 16).

Fits bust: 75 (80, 85, 90, 95) cm.

Garment measures: 77 (82, 87, 92, 97) cm.

Length: 44 (45, 45, 46, 47) cm.


Alt: alternate; beg: beginning; cm: centimetres; cont: continue; dec: decrease, decreasing; foll: follows, following; inc: increase, increasing; incl: inclusive, including; K: knit: P: purl; patt: pattern; rem: remain/ing; rep: repeat; st/s: stitch/es; stocking st: 1 row knit, 1 row purl; slip: slip; ybk: yarn back – take yarn under needle from purling position into knitting position; yft: yarn front – take yarn under needle from knitting position into purling position; yfwd: yarn forward – bring yarn under needle, then over into knitting position again, thus making a stitch; tog: together.


26.5 sts and 41 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 3.25mm needles and 31 sts and 46 rows to 10cm over patt, using 3.25mm needles.

Please check your tension carefully. If less sts use smaller needles, if more sts use bigger needles.


Using 3.00mm needles, cast on 122 (130, 136, 144, 152) sts.

1st row: Purl.

2nd row: Knit.

Change to 3.25mm needles and beg patt.

1st row: K2, ybk, sl 1 knitways, K1, rep from to end.

2nd row: K1, yft, sl 1 purlways, rep from to last 2sts, K2.

3rd row: K1, ywd K2tog, rep from to last st, K1.

4th row: Knit.

5th row: Purl.

6th row: Knit.

Rows 1 to 6 incl form patt.

Cont in patt until work measures 23cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Shape armholes. Keeping patt correct, cast off 7 (8, 9, 10, 12) sts at beg of next 2 rows … 108 (114, 118, 124, 128) sts. ***

Dec at each end of next and alt rows until 94 (98, 100, 104, 106) sts rem.

Cont without shaping until work measures 40 (41, 41, 42 43) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Shape back neck. Next row. Patt 18, turn.

**Cont on these 18 sts.

Dec at neck edge in every row until 10 sts rem.

Cont in patt until work measures 44 (45, 45, 46, 47) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Cast off. **

Slip next 58 (62, 64, 68, 70) sts onto a stitch holder and leave.

Join yarn to rem sts and patt to end.

Rep from to .


Work as for Back to ***.

Dec at each end of next and alt rows until 100 (106, 110, 116, 120 ) sts rem.

Work 1 row.

Divide for V neck. Next row. Patt 2tog, patt 48 (51, 53, 56, 58), turn.

**Cont on these 49 (52, 54, 57**, 59) sts.

Dec at armhole edge in alt rows 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) times, at the same time dec at neck edge in alt rows until 10 sts rem.

Cont in patt without shaping until work measures 44 (45, 45, 46, 47) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Cast off ****.

Join yarn to rem sts and patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog.

Rep from ** to **.


Using back-stitch, join right shoulder seam. With right side facing and using 3.00mm needles, knit up 50 (52, 54, 55, 58) sts evenly along left front neck, knit up one st in centre and mark with a coloured thread (centre st), knit up 50 (52, 54, 55, 58) sts evenly along right front neck, 10 sts evenly along right back neck, knit across sts from back stitch holder – dec 10 sts evenly across, then knit up 10 sts evenly along left back neck … 169 (177, 183, 189, 197) sts.

1st row. Knit.

2nd row. Purl.

Cast off loosely knitways.


Using back-stitch, join left shoulder and neck edging seam. With right side facing and using 3.00mm needles, knit up 120 (128, 130, 138, 148) sts evenly along armhole edge.

1st row. Knit.

2nd row. Purl.

Cast loosely knitways.


With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly, taking care not to flatten pattern.

Using back-stitch, join side and armhole edge seams.

Press seams.

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