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Kylie all cashed up!

Kylie Minogue

Kylie at Paris fashion week (right) and performing her showgirl tour

After being in the spotlight for 23 years most singers slowly creep into “has-been” status, but not our Kylie! Not only is she as popular as ever, she continues to bring in the big bucks.

According to financial documents for her Darenote company lodged at Companies House in Britain, the 41-year-old pop star earns more than $18,000 a day , the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

Her extremely steady pay packet is said to be thanks to her 2008-09 world tour, as well as ongoing record sales and royalties.

Financial experts suggested that Kylie’s situation is quite unique considering she has been in the limelight for such a long time.

“They are very healthy figures for any business,” a financial expert told the Daily Mail. “But for a singer who has been around for quite a long time it is incredible to be still earning money at this level. There are few pop stars who can sustain themselves at the top for so long. This shows that Kylie Minogue is among that select band.”

The pint-sized singer has recently suggested in interviews that she will release a new album in the next few months and is also rumored to be discussing starting a family with her Spanish boyfriend, Andrés Ve lencoso.

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