Kyle Sandilands proved this morning that he will have beef with pretty much anyone, even if he can’t exactly remember why he had a problem with them to begin with.
This morning, he unleashed an expletive-filled rant about Today Extra co-host David Campbell which carried on from yesterday’s show.
“I refuse to go on that show while he works there, because I hate the guy’s guts,” he said after saying “I’ll spit on his grave before I go on that f-ing show” one day earlier.
WATCH: David Campbell’s impressive speech on the war against terror.
Despite initially saying, “’I had to be reminded what the feud was about, ’cause I’d forgotten,” Kyle didn’t hold back on his feelings about Jimmy Barnes’ son.
So what did Campbell do that was so awful Sandilands wants to ‘slap him with a dead fish’ years later? He publicly admonished the shock jock for calling a female journalist a “fat slag”.
That’s right, Sandilands was a derogatory, childish bully, but it’s Campbell’s fault for daring to say his comments made him a “douchebag”.

Sandilands regularly takes shots at the entertainer on his show. When interviewing his co-host Sonia Kruger earlier this year, he called him a “big-mouth, a piece of s-t”.
Speaking to, he said he couldn’t stand “that c-k breath”.
“As soon as he had a chance to have a little whinge during one of my many f**k-ups of life, he was one of the ones to first sink the boot in as many people did,” the radio host said.
“And I thought, f**k you dog! I’ve done the right thing by you the whole time and he just jumped on the bandwagon. He’s just a peasant. Now he’s no friend of mine.”
Now Sportsbet have challenged the pair to take the feud to the boxing ring and raise $10,000 for charity – a truly mature and healthy approach to the situation.
I don’t want to make assumptions, but Sandilands makes a living from talking a big game not walking one, and I’m sure Campbell hasn’t lost any sleep over the vitriolic tirade from a man who gets paid to start drama.
Anyway, what would Billy and Betty think of their dad in a ring?