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Kristy Hinze’s runway success

By Monique Butterworth

Project Runway Australia host Kristy Hinze, 27, is not the only one who’s proud of her latest role — so is her boyfriend, 63-year-old Texan billionaire and Netscape founder, Jim Clark.

Were you surprised at the level of design talent you would uncover?

Not surprised, because I have always known in Australia we have such great design talent. I was more validated when each week they kept getting better and better and nailing the challenges.

You have commissioned some pieces from some of the designers…

There are a few things I want! The dress that Juli won the challenge with Kelly Rowland last week, I want one of those dresses! She’s making me one. I can’t wait.

What aspects of the role/show do you love the most?

I love seeing what they come out with every week. I loved being surprised. When you think of the challenge and you think it will suit one particular person and then seeing what they did and maybe not being right all the time, that part was surprising.

What aspects of the role/show do you dislike?

Having to eliminate people is a really tough job, because they all work really hard. Just because they get eliminated doesn’t mean they’re not good. It just means they weren’t suited to that particular challenge. That’s the hard thing about this show, they can’t just be good designer at one thing, they’ve got to be able to fill a broad spectrum of things.

How do you get along with your fellow judges? Are your decisions generally unanimous or is there plenty of healthy debate?

There’s debate because we’re all looking at different things. Sarah is a buyer so she’s very commercial. Jayson is a designer and knows what really goes into making a garment – cuts and fabrics and things like that. And me, I know how to wear dresses and I know how they feel. I know fabrics also because of 14 years of experience with designers and wearing things. We all look from different areas and it’s not always a unanimous decision. We do not always agree with each other when we’re deliberating.

You’ve taken on a “mother hen” role with the designers. Are you close to them?

Yes. I love them. I feel like a proud Mum.

Will you be staying in touch with some of the designers after the show?

Oh, yes! If they want to stay in touch with me.

You just enjoyed a holiday in the Mediterranean. What did you get up to?

I had a fabulous time, I needed a break, it was wonderful! We had a great time, lots of relaxing, doing pilates and yoga. I read a few books.

What’s next for you?

I’m still currently working with Sportscraft. I’ve co-designed a “Kristy” bag for Sportscraft which we’ll launch in September. I go back to New York and Miami for a few jobs and then I’m back on September 15 to launch the bag. That was a fun little project. It’s actually very nice!

The Project Runway Australia finale screens Monday, September 15 at 8.30pm on Foxtel’s Arena Channel

For more of this interview, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale September 8).

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