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Kerri-Anne Kennerley shares beautiful photo of John and Digger

Following her husband John’s terrifying fall, Aussie icon Kerri-Anne Kennerley has shared a touching photo of their dog Digger visiting her husband in hospital.
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On Saturday, the 62-year-old took to Instagram to share an adorable photo of their beloved Golden Retriever spending time with John.

“Today was the first time Digger recognised John and made us all happy. So true, pets really are therapy,” she wrote alongside the snapshot.

In the image, Digger looks thrilled to greet John. And the feeling is mutual as the 75-year-old smiles back at his precious pooch.

John has fractured his C3 and C4 vertebrae and been diagnosed as in incomplete quadriplegic. He is still breathing through a ventilator and cannot walk. It will be a year until they know the full outcome of the injuries.

KAK shared the sweet photo with her 10,000 followers.

Kerri-Anne’s positive post comes a week after her heart-wrenching Sunday Night interview, where she spoke for the first about John’s tragic fall.

Following the show, the couple received an outpouring of love and support which promoted the TV star to send a message of thanks to her fans (you can watch it the player above).

“I’d just like to take a moment on behalf of John and I to thank you for the overwhelming support we’ve received from people we don’t even know,” she said.

“Human nature is a wonderful thing. You’re generous, you’ve got great spirit and for us it’s been very, very important.

“We’re standing tall, we will survive and a lot of it’s to do with you. Thanks.”

Kerri-Anne revealed to Sunday Night that her husband of over 30 years still has a long way to go.

“This is a man in pain. He can’t eat. He’s being fed by a tube. He can’t speak. He can’t breathe,” she said of her husband, who suffered extensive injuries when he fell over a garden hedge while taking photos at a gold resort near Coffs Harbour last month.

Since the accident in March, the television star has not left her husband’s side.

The stoic star went on to explain: “It’ll be a year before you know what he’ll be left with, and we don’t know, I’d love to be wrong, but I think it would be a miracle.”

“He’s trapped in his mind, he’s trapped in his body. He can’t touch me. All I can do is ever so gently hold his head and one shoulder and kiss him.”

John has been at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney since the fall.

Watch Kerri-Anne chat to John in the player below. Post continues after the video.

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But Kerri-Anne knows nothing but resilience, having battled some of life’s biggest challenges with her husband of over three decades right by her side.

“As exhausting as it is going to the hospital and spending hours and hours there every day, I get very antsy and excited when I go in there because I really look forward to seeing him,” she explained.

“It is a battle. But I want him back so bad… I want him, to actually be as happy and have the creativity that he’s always loved and enjoyed.”

Our thoughts are with John and Kerri-Anne through this difficult time.

John cannot walk or talk but is able to mouth words to his loving wife.

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