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Keith and Nicole reunited!

Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman looked like a pair of love-struck teenagers as they were reunited at Sydney airport this week – Nicole having just stepped off a flight from Los Angeles.

The family were clearly delighted to be back in each other’s arms, with the couple’s two young daughters leaping up to give their superstar dad a big welcome hug.

Kidman, who had been attending the Screen Actors Guild Awards in L.A., was accompanied by close friend Russell Crowe on her return home, and was seen getting a helping hand from her fellow actor with carrying the young girls to the car.

Keith is performing this week at Sydney’s Allphones Arena as part of his big Australian tour, The Story So Far.

Nicole and Keith looked over-the-moon to be reunited.

Kidman was joined by fellow star Russell Crowe on her flight back to Sydney.

There’s Daddy! Crowe carries two-year-old Faith from the airport.

Nicole and daughter Sunday Rose both looked happy to be home.

The look of love: Nicole and Keith share a moment at the Golden Globes last month.

Country music star Keith is currently on tour in Australia.

Nicole alone on the red carpet at the Screen Actors Guild Awards this week.

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