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“She’s a bully!” Katy Perry has been compared to Mean Girl Regina George

American singer-songwriter Ryn Weaver has levelled sensational bullying claims against pop star Katy Perry

Taylor and Katy had a famous falling out...

Ryn is the second celebrity to make such claims about Katy in recent years – Taylor Swift has also infamously called her out – but Ryn’s detailed account of her rift with Katy has sent Twitter into a spin.

Bear with us, because these Twitter battles can be a little complicated, but this is the gist of what happened:

Katy tweeted her supported for US presidential candidate Hilary Clinton.

Ryn fired back, “No offense @katyperry, but considering how much of a bully you were to me, I hope you don’t mind my mindful disagreement with your $$ endorsement.”


Katy’s loyal internet followers, who call themselves “KatyCats”, wasted no time in going after Ryn – and that’s when she really let fly in a rapid-fire set of now-deleted tweets about a run-in with the Roar singer.

Ryn is not Katy Perry’s biggest fan.

“Anytime I spoke she started turning her head around pretending she heard something, then said, ‘Did you hear something?’ While staring at me.” Ryn claims. “Any time I spoke… After we were already friends. She did this the entire night.”

Ryn adds that she was part of a group at a Drake concert that included Katy, who “stared at me the WHOLE SHOW”.

“Then, any time I caught her eye out of my periphery, she proceeded to alert her entire posse, saying, ‘That Ryn girl is sooooo obsessed with me’.”

In response to one Katy defender, Ryn referred to the famous Mean Girls villain, alleging, “I was personally victimised by Regina George.”

Katy is yet to comment on Ryn’s claims, however it’s not the first time she’s weathered accusations of bullying.

Circa 2012, Katy had a mysterious falling out with her former best mate Taylor Swift. The pair used to trade sweet nothings on social media, until it became vicious barbs.

Katy and Taylor were once firm friends – until everything changed.

To cut a long story short, it’s believed that Taylor was most unimpressed when a bunch of her back-up dancers were coerced away from her to join Katy’s tour.

She then described a fellow pop-star as her “straight-up enemy” to Rolling Stone – which most insiders assume is about Katy.

“For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not,” says Taylor. “She would come up to me at awards shows and say something and walk away, and I would think, ‘Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?'”

Despite gossip that the pair clashed over the fact they both dated John Mayer, Taylor insisted it’s not the case.

“She did something so horrible. I was like, ‘Oh, we’re just straight-up enemies’. And it wasn’t even about a guy! It had to do with business.”

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