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Katie Holmes tells all: 12 month contract over!

Katie Holmes tells all: 12 month contract over!

Katie plans to spill the secrets the world’s been waiting for, before others do…

Tom Cruise’s closely guarded secrets are set to be laid bare by the woman who knows him best – his ex-wife, Katie Holmes. Tom’s obsession with Scientology, his three marriages and subsequent divorces, and even his sexuality have all been the subject of intense speculation for as long as he has been a superstar.

Now Woman’s Day can reveal Katie is preparing to blow the lid off all this and more in a $10 million book deal. A publishing insider from the company leading the bidding on her biography tells us the sure-fire bestseller has the working title Katie Holmes: Living A Lie – but can only speculate about what exactly will be revealed.

“The two biggest stories out there in Hollywood right now are Jennifer Aniston telling the story of how Brad Pitt left home for Angelina, and Katie Holmes giving us the warts-and-all truth of what Tom Cruise is really like in private, in the bedroom, and when he is with his Scientology friends at these secret get-togethers,” says James Alexander, who has brokered several multi-million dollar deals for tell-all books.

“Everyone wants to know if their relationship was a marriage of convenience, whether she was asked to sign a contract like the one Nicole Kidman allegedly signed, whether Tom is Suri’s real father, her experiences regarding Tom’s sexuality and why she suddenly snapped and fled with Suri.” With the first anniversary of their 2012 split looming, the time is almost ripe for Katie, 34, to finally open up about the most spectacular marriage fallout in recent Hollywood history. “The moment the 12-month confidentiality clause from their divorce proceedings is up, Katie can sign the deal and make it official and she’ll be $10 million richer,” says James.

Read more Tom and Katie’s contract in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale Monday, June 17 2013.

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