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Katie Holmes: Party Girl?

Katie Holmes: Party Girl?

A happy, fresh-faced and carefree Katie Holmes emerged on The Hampton scene last weekend, surprising a room full of celebrities with her non-stop dancing and overall party prowess.

The Mania Days star joined a host of A-listers for the Apollo In The Hamptons: A Night of Legends party at Apollo Theatre board member Ron Perelman’s estate.

The 34-year-old actress threw on a modest black dress and, for the first time in a while, left her daughter, Suri, 7, at home while she went out to play. And boy did she ever!

The star was seen letting her hair down as she danced along with Jamie Foxx to a line-up of star-studded performers, including Lenny Kravitz, Pharrell Williams, Jon Bon Jovi, Ciara, The Roots and Mary J. Blige.

For the modest sum of up to $125,000 per table you, too, could have been sitting with Katie Holmes, Ellen DeGeneres, Jamie Foxx, Russell Simmons, Mary-Kate Olsen or Calvin Klein.

Dispite paying such a hefty fee, People reported that Katie barely saw her table and only returned briefly to top up her drink – that’s when she wasn’t stealing sips from dance partner Jamie’s Foxx’s cocktail.

The famous girl-next-door made such an impression on the celeb crowd that when Jamie waved her up on stage the room broke into a chant of “Go Katie, go Katie!”

Def Jam’s Russel Simmons was later overheard telling Katie as he was leaving the event: “I never knew you were such a party girl!”

Simmons later tweeted that the event raised $3.3m to benefit the Apollo Theatre’s education, community and artistic programs.

Related video: Cruise to sue gossip magazine.

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