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Kate Ritchie: I love my dark side

**By Lucy Chesterton

Sweet Sally Fletcher is put to rest as Kate gets set to shock in Underbelly 2.**

Few people notice Kate Ritchie lurking outside an old pub in the back streets of Sydney’s Surry Hills. Maybe it’s because her famous face is disguised by an enormous ’70s-style blow-wave.

Perhaps it’s because she’s barely visible inside the arms of a fit-looking sandy-haired man, who looks nothing like her rugby-playing beau Stuart Webb.

But most likely it’s because the last time we saw Kate and her co-star Martin Dingle-Wall together they were cavorting on the beach in Summer Bay — a far cry from their new incarnation as underworld figures.

After several years apart, the pair have reunited to play lovers in Underbelly: A Tale Of Two Cities, and they couldn’t be happier.

“Everything seems to have come together,” Kate says of her first major on-screen role since leaving Home And Away.

“I guess you always wonder what the future is going to hold, but I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect outcome.”

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