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Kate Middleton’s baby deal

Kate Middleton's baby deal

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge won’t be bullied into producing an heir, but Wills has made an unspoken promise to the Queen.

Even before Kate Middleton walked down the aisle at Westminster Abbey, it was almost a foregone conclusion that the brunette beauty would be pregnant within three months of her marriage to Prince William. Royal watchers and palace insiders pointed out that it was a tradition – after all, the Queen and Diana, Princess of Wales, both gave birth around the time of their first wedding anniversaries.

And all royal brides know that it’s their duty to provide “an heir and a spare”. The pressure from the palace, let alone the public, is immense. Yet six months into the royal marriage, much to the surprise and horror of many commentators, there is still no sign that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting. Instead, Kate has made it clear she won’t be bullied into having a baby, and she and her handsome prince will start a family only when they’re good and ready. “She knows that a child would be a delight to her and William, let alone the Queen and the rest of us,” says veteran royal reporter James Whitaker. “But this lady is not one for hurrying.”

Several palace insiders confirm to Woman’s Day that Kate and William are “working on” having a baby, although there’s no news yet. “I hear they’re trying,” one well-placed source confides. “They’re practising hard.” And last week’s news that the British prime minister, David Cameron, wants to change the laws of succession – so William and Kate’s first-born child, if a daughter, would ascend the throne ahead of any subsequent sons – could only act as encouragement to these thoroughly modern royals.

“Pregnancy and producing an heir are uppermost in the minds of both Kate and William,” confirms journalist James. “They know it is the single most important thing they can achieve right now. A new addition to the House of Windsor would be the perfect present for the Queen, particularly next year, during her Diamond Jubilee.” “The Queen knows William and Kate want a baby,” another royal insider informs us, “and they know the Queen wants it too. They haven’t talked about it – it’s just not the done thing – but it’s an unspoken promise between Prince William and the Queen.

Read more about the couple’s baby plans and see excousive pictures of Catrherine in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24, 2011.

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