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Kate Middleton is thriving in her new role

Kate Middleton is thriving in new role

Veteran royal reporter JUDY WADE reveals how the Duchess of Cambridge is finally thriving in her new role, with help from Wills, a circle of guardian angels, and her cute cocker spaniel.

Taking her beloved cocker spaniel puppy Lupo for a stroll through Kensington Gardens, bodyguard in tow, the Duchess of Cambridge’s grin shone out from beneath her favourite wide-brimmed bush hat (see the exclusive pictures in this week’s Woman’s Day).

“Kate looked so relaxed and happy, like she was completely in her element,” one astonished onlooker reported. “You can tell she is smitten with the gorgeous pup. At one point, a little girl rushed over to pet Lupo. Kate gave her one of her beautiful, warm smiles… She looked proud that her little dog had become the centre of attention.” For all her fears of being left alone while her husband completes daring air force missions in a distant land, it seems the duchess has never been happier. And it’s not only because she’s got Lupo – a pre-Christmas gift from her parents, Michael and Carole Middleton – to cuddle while Prince William is away.

A thoughtful Wills has ensured she now also has a friend in her camp, someone who always has her back, in the shape of her Assistant Private Secretary, Rebecca “Becca” Deacon. Officially, Becca’s role is to help Kate, 30, in her public duties, doing everything from carrying a spare lipstick to taking gifts from well-wishers. But the prince, who helped Kate select the 29-year-old, knows she will play a much more important role in his wife’s life.

“William has never forgotten the way his mother was left to cope without any support from courtiers,” a palace source reveals. “He is determined that will never happen to Kate, even though it has brought him into conflict with officials from time to time. “He wants to surround Kate with people she can trust. This has always been important to him, but even more so as they look to have children. He wants Kate to feel totally secure so she can focus on the family. Becca helps give them that security.”

See the exclusive pictures of Kate walking with Lupo, plus read all about her stripper cousin scandal in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 5, 2012.

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