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Kate DeAraugo’s amazing body transformation

Australian Idol winner Kate DeAraugo looks positively glowing after her dramatic 60kg weight loss that came after drastic gastric-sleeve surgery which helped her halve her body size.

Australian Idol winner Kate DeAraugo looks positively glowing after her dramatic 60kg weight loss that came after drastic gastric-sleeve surgery which helped her halve her body size.

Australian Idol winner Kate DeAraugo looks positively glowing after her dramatic 60kg weight loss that came after drastic gastric-sleeve surgery which helped her halve her body size.

Previously Kate was battling depression due to her discomfort with her size: “I didn’t go out because I was terrified I’d bump into people who would look at me and see how big I was.”

Related: Kate DeAraugo’s dramatic weight loss: How she did it

Related: Kate DeAraugo’s dramatic weight loss: How she did it

Now she feels more alive than ever after going under the knife to have a gastric sleeve fitted – what can only be described as life-saving surgery. Seventy-five per cent of her stomach was removed in the non-reversible procedure.

Now Kate, who is 171cm tall, has dropped from 125kg to 65kg.

Kate’s even planning to hit the beach in a bikini this summer, which she’d never have dreamed of doing in years past. And she wants to shed another 6kg, “but I’m not trying to do it overnight’’.

Related: Kate caught up with Woman’s Day when she was halfway through her journey

Kate is philosophical about her weight-loss journey too: “All my life I’ve always thought that if I’m thin I’ll be happy.  Then I started to get thin andI had bad days and sometimes I have very bad days.”

“I’ve realised that being thin doesn’t make you happy, but losing the weight has given me my confidence back.

“I’m no longer avoiding the world… I’m happy for the first time in a really long time and I look forward to every day.”

Read more about Kate’s amazing body transformation in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale Monday September 9, 2014.

Australian Idol winner Kate DeAraugo looks glowing after her dramatic 60kg weight loss that came after drastic gastric-sleeve surgery which helped her halve her body size.

“I had a look at a ‘before’ photo of myself and I put it next to what I look like now and I started crying,” Kate said.

Kate back in 2005 when she won Australian Idol. Kate says she has tried every diet under the sun as well as having liposuction, which she describes as “extreme” and “horrendous'”.

Looking back at old pictures of herself, Kate said: “I think this was the 2005 Carols. When I get on stage, the body thing just goes away.”

Kate reached 125kg at her heaviest: “This picture destroys me. I don’t recognise myself here at all. There was not much left at that point.”

Kate said of this photo from another shoot with Woman’s Day, when she was well on her way to her weight-loss journey: “This was a year ago, when I still felt uncomfortable in my skin.”

“I was well on the way to losing the weight here, earlier this year.”

“This was after losing 40kg. I had to keep telling myself, ‘Look how far you’ve come!'”

Kate says of her journey: ‘I’ve realised that being thin doesn’t make you happy, but losing the weight has given me my confidence back.”

One of the biggest highlights of losing all the weight for Kate was getting the chance to overhaul her wardrobe. She had a closet stuffed with clothes ranging from size 12 to 22. Now, some of the smaller ones would be too big.

Behind-the-scenes with Kate on her photo shoot with *Woman’s Day* – she’s says that she still plans to lose another 6kg – “but I’m not trying to do it overnight’”.

Behind-the-scenes with Kate on her photo shoot with Woman’s Day – she’s says that she still plans to lose another 6kg – “but I’m not trying to do it overnight’”.

Kate, now weighing 65ks – almost half her previous body weight of 125kgs: “I’m no longer avoiding the world… I’m happy for the first time in a really long time and I look forward to every day.”

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