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Kate Cook’s open letter

It should have been a triumphant return home for Australian Idol hopeful, country girl Kate Cook, but her dream homecoming turned to the stuff of nightmares when two carloads of women threatened to attack her over her controversial relationship with her ex-partner’s sister.

Read Kate’s open letter below

There is never a good time to say you are moving on so I can understand why my former partner Kerry feels like she has been left for fame and fortune.

However, the decision to go back to my ex (who happens to be her younger sister) isn’t one I made lightly. Being on Australian Idol was a huge eye opener for me in lots of different ways.

It’s the first time in a long time that I have felt independent and in control of my life. I’ve had many years of feeling lost and whilst I do cherish the times Kerry and I had, it was an area of my life that I needed to address.

Once I was on that path (with Idol) it was like a steam train… the further down the track it got, the harder it became for me to want to go back to some parts of the life I had left behind.

This is a new era for me. I really need to follow my heart and my dreams now more than ever.

This is my one chance to make everything bad in my life come good again. Obviously, things are more complicated then they seem on the surface, and those matters are for those whom they concern, but I feel like I did the best I could with handling our break up, including discussing with Kerry my response to the media before our “break” went public for the first time.

Of course I care for everybody involved, but I’ll never please everybody at the same time. I hope in time it will get easier and those that have been hurt find new ways to be happy again.

I am really keen to focus on the positive now and would like to express my deepest thanks to the family, friends and fans who have continued to support me in my life and career.

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