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EXCLUSIVE: Willow Stefanovic opens up about her dad, extended family and her big move

''Sometimes I wonder who is the child, and who is the parent!''
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She bears one of the most famous names in Australia, but ask budding fashionista Willow Stefanovic if being the eldest daughter of dad Karl has given her plenty of free kicks, and she quickly sets the record straight.

“There’s no doubt Dad has helped me, but while he opened the doors, he’s always said that it was up to me to walk in and show everyone exactly what I’m made of,” Willow reveals in an exclusive interview with Woman’s Day.

“I get asked what it’s been like growing up with such a high-profile parent, and the answer is I’ve never known any different – he’s my doting and sometimes daggy dad who I know has my back.

“And he’s very funny – sometimes I wonder who is the child, and who is the parent!” she says, grinning.

While young Willow’s childhood was filled with five-star family holidays, vacationing with the likes of long-time family friend James Packer, cruising the Mediterranean and skiing in Aspen, she’s managed to stay grounded.

“I’ve grown up around celebrities and stars, but I learned early on to never put famous people on a pedestal, because your worth should not be judged by fame nor wealth, rather by what difference you make in this world,” she says, adding that while her dad, 48, was building his career, it was her “amazing mum” Cassandra Thorburn, 52, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes as a stay-at-home mother looking after the family.

Her dad is very well known in Australia.

(Image: Alana Landsberry)


Sitting down with Woman’s Day on the eve of her milestone 18th birthday, it’s easy to see how this talented teenager with her welcoming presence is more than ready to take on the world!

“I can’t believe I’m old enough to vote and can safely order a glass of wine at the pub – I suddenly feel like I’m all grown up!” she says with a laugh.

“I should clear up one thing because I’m constantly asked why I changed to my middle name. When I moved high schools a few years ago, I identified more with Willow than Ava. That said, Dad isn’t having a bar of it and only calls me Ava – he’s a bit old-fashioned!”

Little sister Harper is “the best”, she said.

(Image: Alana Landsberry)


Refreshingly open, Willow is happy discussing just about anything, including her parents’ marriage breakdown, and the effect it had on her and her siblings, Jackson, 23, and River, 16.

“It’s almost seven years – I was only 11, and like a lot of modern families who’ve experienced a break-up, it’s been tough,” she explains carefully. “But in my mindset now I believe that everything has happened for a reason, and this result is the best for everyone. Mum has never been happier and is loving her new life as a dental nurse and receptionist.”

Willow beams when the subject shifts to her two much taller brothers.

“They’re really good people with beautiful hearts,” she says. “We would’ve had very different upbringings had our parents stayed together, and the outcome might not have been good for everyone, so thankfully those earlier struggles have made us all stronger than ever.”

“I put my head down and created a perfect balance.”

(Image: Alana Landsberry)

And when it comes to dad Karl’s new family, wife of four years Jasmine, 39, and their gorgeous two-year-old toddler Harper, Willow says there are not enough words to describe the love she has for them. “Harper is the best little sister – she’s adorable, and any chance I get to see her I’m there,” she says, adding, “Dad’s mum Jenny, who we call ‘little nanny’, says she’s a lot like me when I was younger.”

And as to whether the family will be expecting another addition to the clan anytime soon, Willow remains tightlipped.

“Jasmine is like my second mum, and has become more like a friend to me, and I’m very close to her family, especially her sister Jade,” she says.

“And for the record, Jasmine is much stricter than Dad! When I stay with them, and when it comes to curfews, I dare not be late – she often gets up in the middle of the night to make sure I’m home safe and tucked in.”

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Family has always been the epicentre of Willow’s universe and she loves nothing more than spending time with them all.

“My uncles Pete and Tom [Stefanovic] are very much there for me. My aunty Sylvia [Jeffreys] is a true role model – she is confident and inspiring, and a trailblazer for women to be fearless and have strong opinions and always find your voice.

“And on mum’s side, I love my Nana Pat and Uncle Ash – they remind me how lucky we are to have the Thorburn genes!”

Graduating with an impressive HSC score at the end of last year from Sydney’s exclusive Redlands school, Willow never imagined the next chapter in her life would take her 17,000km away.

Willow loves her family.

(Image: Alana Landsberry)

“Since I was little, I’ve dreamed of becoming a citizen of the world, and during lockdown I became even more interested in wanting to go and study either in the US or London,” she explains.

“When I got the news I’d been accepted into the University of the Arts London to study fashion journalism and content creation, I thought, ‘Wow, I’m going to live in the same city as Kate and Will!’

“I know I’m going to miss my family, but imagine one day telling my kids I bravely moved to London at 18, and I travelled across Europe during the summer months – it’s everything I’ve hoped for.

“It’s surreal I’m going to be studying in a city that has produced so many true fashion icons, including the late Princess Di – her elegance, sense of style and her love of family are all qualities I admire.”

Despite everything that’s played out publicly over the years since Cass and Karl’s very bitter split, Willow knows they’re both excited about her new adventure. “I think Jasmine and Dad will be spending more time in the UK and Europe this next year, especially knowing I’m over there, and Mum, I hope, is going to come and help me settle in,” says Willow.

Her parents haven’t been in the same room together for years, but Willow hopes by the time she turns 21, or walks down the aisle, they’ll have worked out their differences, and finally make peace.

Jasmine is more strict than Karl, Willow says.

(Image: Alana Landsberry)

“That’s something I’ve always wanted – to bring them together for special occasions, but I’ve had to distance myself from it because at the end of the day it’s not my issue,” she says matter-of-factly.

“It’s their business if they choose not to be friendly – of course I wish it wasn’t like this, but I won’t be forcing them. I hope one day we can all be together again.

“I’ll always be grateful they allowed me to dare to dream big. I can’t wait for what comes next – I just hope I do them proud!”

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