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Justin Timberlake’s family “can’t wait” for wedding

Justin Timberlake's family "can’t wait" for wedding

Friends and relatives of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel seem to be more excited about the pair’s big day then they are.

Jessica, who is currently promoting her new film Total Recall, recently said she hasn’t planned a thing for their upcoming wedding.

“I’m just enjoying being engaged” she told the Chicago Sun times.

“I do feel like there is a lot of time and nothing needs to be rushed.

“But being engaged is just absolutely amazing. You’re in this romantic, ahhhhh, breathless moment that I’m just trying to extend as long as possible.”

The pair’s friends and relatives, on the other hand, can’t wait for them to tie the knot.

“I’m so excited,” Justin’s cousin, Heather Bomar told Celebuzz

“I met Jessica. She’s really sweet. We can’t wait.”

A male cousin on Timberlake’s side, who declined to be named, was equally as excited.

“I’m thrilled for him,” he said.

“We were so excited when Jessica accepted his proposal.

“I have met her a couple of times. I’m happy for them and wish them a lot of luck.”

Although the couple, who have been together since 2007, are yet to officially set a date, there are reports they are planning to wed at the exclusive Yellowstone Club in Big Sky, and it’s set to be a big affair.

“It would be a fantastic turnout,” Justin’s cousin said.

“I’m sure they’ll have close family there. They’re very supportive and happy for them.”

Despite the family’s joy over the upcoming nuptials, Heather says she was initially surprised that there was going to be a wedding at all.

“We didn’t think he wanted to get married until he wanted to settle down closer to home to live a quieter, more normal life. But whatever they do will be great! He loves Jessie very much,” she said.

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