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Just like Wolverine! Hugh Jackman proves he has super strength by entering the 1000 pound club

He plays a superhero in X-Men and it’s a case of life imitating art for Aussie actor Hugh Jackman, who just entered the exclusive 1000 pound club.
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To gain access into this VIP society you’ll need superhero strength, so it’s no surprise Wolverine himself managed the very impressive feat.

In order to earn his stripes, the 46-year-old completed a 161kg squat, followed by a 106kg bench press then lastly a 189kg deadlift. All in all, totalling around 453 kilograms of weight.

The father-of-two took to Instagram to celebrate his success by posting a video of the final deadlift, which he made out to be a breeze.

“If the bar aint bending, then you’re just pretending,” has been known to be the star’s weight-lifting motto and it seems to have served him well.

After all the sweat and tears, the Hollywood heartthrob was awarded a t-shirt in honour of his accomplishments.

Although it’s not the Golden Globe or Tony he is accustomed to receiving, it certainly comes with enough bragging rights to last a life time!

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