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Hugh Jackman and Julie Bishop light up Empire State Building for Australia Day

Hugh Jackman says that the Foreign Minister is his new PR Manager as they light up New York's most iconic buildings.
Hugh Jackman and Julie Bishop pose on the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building is tonight bathed in green and gold light, a symbol of the enduring friendship between the United States and Australia.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and ‘Australian native actor Hugh Jackman flicked the switch on our national colours at a simple ceremony in the foyer of the iconic building on Friday morning, New York time.

Ms Bishop, who has been visiting New York and Washington DC for meetings with US officials, told a small crowd: ‘There can be no more recognisable New York landmark than the Empire State Building, and there can be no more recognisable face than that of Hugh Jackman.’

It was, she said, ‘an irresistible combination.’

The lighting of the tower was an opportunity to celebrate the US-Australia relationship.

She thanked Hugh Jackman for the initiative. He lives nearby, and helped get the necessary permissions.

‘He is a global figure. We are so proud of him,’ Ms Bishop said.

He is doing a wonderful job on Broadway, couple of tickets left, get in early!’

Jackman replied by saying: ‘Thank you to my new PR manager, the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

‘This (the lighting of the tower) really means the world to us. I can tell you last year, standing with my family, a bunch of Aussies, and there are at least 20,000 living and working here, and to see the Empire State Building lit up in green and gold is something I will never forget.

‘I just found out, in a country of 20 million people, over a million visit America every year; half of those come to New York City; half of those are sleeping on my couch,’ Jackman joked.

‘It’s because this country is so fantastic. It’s been so good to me and my family.

‘Anyway, this is our mini war cry: if you want to find Australians anywhere in the world, you just do this: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!’

Dutifully, exuberantly, the crowd cried: Oi, Oi, Oi.

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