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Julia Morris says weight loss is a result of hard work – not surgery

Hitting back over claims she's had lap band surgery, Julia Morris has taken to Instagram to set the record straight.

After posting her amazing bikini shot last week, Julia Morris has hit back at claims that she’s undergone lap band surgery.

The comedienne and host of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! showed off her amazing weight loss on her Instagram last week with a bikini selfie, but some of her followers were more concerned with the scars on her stomach than her incredible transformation.

Referring to the small scars on Julia’s lower stomach, several commenters suggested that her weight loss was not the product of hard work and good nutrition, but of surgery.

However, although she is reclining in the picture, Julia is not one to take comments like that lying down.

The comedian took to Instagram to clarify the rumours:

“For the benefit of all who are concerned… the scarring on my tum is from all the skin cancer moles [and] compound nevii I have been having removed since I was 9yrs old,” she wrote, “While 2 are clear in this shot, there are another 7 there too. A massive one on my upper arm [and] 6 on my back. I have 50+ on in this shot [and] since both of my malignant melanomas, I am fully checked by a cancer specialist every 12 months.”

In an earlier interview with fitness and health magazine, Body & Soul, Julia revealed her weight loss secrets to be (surprise, surprise) healthy eating and exercise – not surgery.

“For brekkie, I might have a macadamia-based muesli with a dollop of yoghurt and a coffee,” she told Body and Soul, “If I’m at home, lunch might be a ham and cheese toastie – because why wouldn’t you? – and if I’m on set I’ll have a hearty stew with a small amount of rice.”

She further elaborated on her diet plan on Instagram last week, saying that in addition to cutting out carbs after 5pm, she also cut out something very important – vodka.

“No sugar, low cabs, vodka [and] soda…That’s pretty much it… But every day. No cheat days,” she wrote, “Well, since Christmas…Oh [and] 8 weeks working around the clock in Africa.”

That’ll do it!

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