Over a bowl of porridge, down to earth Jules Sebastian chatted to Woman’s Day about how “stressful” motherhood can be, and the importance of teaching her boys to be kind, as she prepares to auction off a stunning Cinderella inspired dress for charity.
The busy mum-of-two premised our conversation by explaining “one of the boys is at day care and the other one is asleep so it’s nice to have some quite time.”
This prompted her to chat about the highs and lows of parenthood, “being a mum is really stressful give yourself 10 minutes alone time, that’s important.”
Despite the stresses of motherhood and the couple’s busy work schedules, the fashion lover acknowledged, “we made the decision that Guy was going to be the one that goes out into the world and work, he’s very busy.”
Speaking of busy, we couldn’t chat to Jules and not ask about her being with Guy at Eurovision and the performance that left Australia beaming from ear-to-ear.
“I couldn’t stop crying…I lost it crying seeing Guy perform, he absolutely killed it, I was so proud. The energy in Vienna was insane” she gushed over her husband of nine-years.
The glitz and glamour aside it was obvious during our conversation Jules’ favourite role is mum as she discussed her beautiful sons, “with two boys our house is very noisy, one of them has peed himself the other one wants a toy at the bottom of the toy box but I just try and see the light and the funny side.”

Jules Sebastian and Cate Blanchett at the premiere of Cinderella
“They have a very cute relationship…little bro looks up to big bro it’s very cute…Hudson will kiss Archer goodnight, “the former Adelaide local mused over her two boys, Hudson, three and Archer, one.
The blonde beauty candidly revealed about her parenting strategy, “kindness is really important and I was just talking to my mum about it the other day, I want my boys to be kind.”
Before adding: “I don’t want to be the parent of kids that aren’t kind, it is the most important thing. Being kind might not always be popular but I want my kids to have good friends and be kind.”
And it seems kindness is a virtue that Jules Sebastian holds close as she auctions of the Cinderella Kindness Dress she wore to the premiere of the Cinderella film starring Cate Blanchett.
“Charity is really important to me…I hope people bid on the dress because the proceeds go to Big Brothers and Sisters Australia, they help young people facing serious adversity,” she explained.
Jules, who is a “big believer” in “if you look good on the outside you’ll feel good on the inside,” encourages people to bid the stunning Kindness dress to support charity and to have the chance to feel like a princess.
Although she’s made a career out of appearances, the doting hands-on-parent was quick to explain that your looks aren’t everything, “I do like to spend time getting ready in the morning but, accept yourself, don’t waste too much time with your appearance, life’s too short.”
If you want to bid on the stunning Cinderella Kindness Dress then follow this link!

You can also get you hand on a copy of Cinderella, out now on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital.