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JFK Jr’s secret mistress

Sybil Hill

More than a decade after the shock death of John F. Kennedy Jr, his secret lover reveals details of their romance for the first time.

The love story between Sybil Hill, now 44, and the son of President John F. Kennedy began in 1991, and lasted until he died in the plane crash in July 16, 1999, that also claimed the lives of his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister, Lauren Bessette.

“I met John Kennedy on January 6, 1991, at the Moondance Diner,” Sybil recalls. “I walked in with a date when a gorgeous-looking man pointed out a vacant table. I remember thinking, ‘He looks just like John Kennedy Jr!’ We were across the restaurant, but we couldn’t stop looking at each other.

“When my date went to the bathroom, I went up and we chatted … He found a piece of paper and wrote ‘John’ and a phone number.”

Sybil, a successful artist and willowy look-alike of John’s future wife Carolyn, called him a week later.

“We went out to dinner at a small restaurant,” she recalls. “John said, ‘You haven’t asked me my last name’, and told me.”

After a month of dating, the two went to bed together for the first time. “The sex was breathtakingly wonderful. I remember the first time I woke up in his bed, looking at photos of his parents, President Kennedy and his wife Jackie. It was surreal.”

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