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Jen’s battle of the bridesmaids

Jen's battle of the bridesmaids

With her two leading ladies at each other’s throats, it’s going to be an interesting big day…

In times of pre-wedding stress – think monsters-in-law, cake chaos and dress dramas – your bridesmaids should be your staunchest allies. But for bride-to-be Jennifer Aniston, that’s not the case. With her wedding to Justin Theroux believed to be just around the corner, exclusive sources tell Woman’s Day that the fur is flying between two of her three attendants, Courteney Cox and Chelsea Handler, who are clashing over everything from the hen’s night to the bridesmaids’ dresses.

For Jen, naming her best three girlfriends to help her up the aisle in her second marriage was a no-brainer – it had to be her best mate and Friends co-star Courteney, new buddy Chelsea and longtime friend, actress Laura Dern. But she’s learned the hard way that Chelsea and Courteney can’t stand to be within earshot of each other.

“Chelsea is very loud and brash and encourages Jen to drink more and embrace her wild side – and Jen credits this for helping her land Justin,” a friend, who knows all three women, tells Woman’s Day. “Jen has said a number of times in front of Chelsea that Justin wouldn’t have been interested in her before Chelsea helped her learn to let her hair down. She credits Chelsea with making her ‘cool’ again. But this feels like a bit of a slap in the face to Courteney.”

And it doesn’t help that while it’s all cocktails and giggles for talk-show host Chelsea and Jen, Courteney is feeling left out. “Jen is too busy partying with her hip new best friend. I can see Courteney’s side of things. Chelsea is very different from all Jen’s other friends,” says our source.

Read more about Jen’s bridesmaid war in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 18, 2013.

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