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Jen hits out: Brad and Ange will never last

Jennifer Aniston believes it’s only a matter of time before Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s relationship is over.

The 38-year-old told friends her ex-hubby’s romance is doomed to fail because of the temptations of Hollywood.

“When we were married, Brad and I talked all the time about settling down and living happily ever after, and we honestly thought we could put ourselves above Hollywood.

“But we found out you can’t. When you’re on film locations and in television studios with some of the most beautiful people in the world, how can you avoid the temptation?” Jen told her friend.

“We tried very hard and we failed. That’s why I believe Brad will fail with Angelina.”

Friends fear Jen’s outburst is a sign that she’s still bitter about her marriage to Brad ending.

“She was hurt, yes. Does she think Ange caused the break up of her marriage? She’s much too classy a lady to say that, but we all know what happened,” says the friend.

“She wishes she could recapture the way things were, Jennifer would love nothing more than to be given another chance with Brad.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 9)

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