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Jason Donovan’s surprise Bali wedding

By Alex Needs

The star popped the question and said ‘I Do’ all within 48 hours.

It’s 6:15am and Jason Donovan has been up for more than an hour. He’s just returned to London from Bali where, while celebrating his 40th birthday, he popped the question and married his partner of 10 years, Angela Malloch, in front of their two children, Jemma, 8, Zac, 7, and 18 friends.

Jason could, therefore, be forgiven for feeling a little jet-lagged. But it’s the excitement of a new day that’s led to his early rising. By the time we speak he’s already been hard at work singing and writing songs for his new record. Now married, 40, and a father-of-two, Jason never imagined he’d be in such a settled position. Having spent so long battling and conquering his demons, the singer and actor has a newfound zeal and purpose. And, as he says, “With a beautiful wife, two amazing kids — why shouldn’t I be happy?” Here, Jason reflects on his surprise wedding and how it couldn’t have come at a better time …

Congratulations! Why did you decide to get married on your 40th birthday?

Thanks. It was really spontaneous. I always thought we would get married in this kind of way, but you never really know until you settle into a holiday where you think it could potentially become the right time. Timing is everything in life and I think Ange deserved a commitment from me after 10 years, too. It was just the right time at the end of the day.

Did Angela have any idea this was going to happen?

None whatsoever.

Did you? Was it something you’d already considered?

I had a little bit of a feeling that if I was going to do it, this was the time for me to do it. It was a great opportunity as my direct family were there for my 40th. My sisters and my closest friend, James Maguire, weren’t there, but you can’t have everything. The invite was open to a few close friends.

For the full interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

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