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Jane and Glenn: Their inspiring love story

Throughout all adversity, their love never faded…

As he grabbed a quiet moment during their bustling and star-studded wedding day, Glenn McGrath leant down to hug his best friend, “hero” and beautiful new wife Jane.

“You look like an absolute princess,” he said, gazing into her shining eyes. “Just like something out of a fairytale — like Snow White. When I got to the church and saw you, I’d never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Jane beamed and replied, “I can’t imagine my life without you!”

It was July 17, 1999, when Jane and Australian cricket legend Glenn married at The Garrison Church in The Rocks, Sydney.

Last week, the same church was again filled to capacity as Glenn, 38, their children James, 8, and Holly, 6, the McGraths’ friends and family gathered to farewell Jane, who lost her hard-fought battle against cancer on June 22. She was 42.

Instant attraction

When Jane Steele was first diagnosed with breast cancer, she had been dating the lanky fast bowler for less than two years.

The pair met when the then Virgin Atlantic flight attendant was out “celebrating a friend’s divorce” with drinks at Hong Kong nightclub Joe Bananas in 1995.

The attraction was instant, and after a few months of trying to make the relationship work from opposite sides of the world, Jane moved from her native England to join Glenn in Perth, where he was playing cricket.

Amazingly, although footy fan Jane knew Glenn was a cricketer, for the first few weeks after she moved here she had no idea just how high his profile was. She also couldn’t foresee how this man, who was adored by millions around the world but only had eyes for her, would stick by her during the 13 short, beautiful years they would share together.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 30).

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