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Ita’s heartbreak – Rocked by drug dealing nephew

Dragged into the horror world of a cocaine-dealing scandal, Ita vows to stand by her disgraced nephew. NAOMI TOY reports.

Ita Buttrose is living the most hellish of personal nightmares. Her nephew, Richard Buttrose, has plunged the family name into untold shame, thanks to his double life as a drug dealer to Sydney’s eastern suburbs elite.

A staunch anti-drugs campaigner, heartbroken Ita must now stand by as her beloved 37-year-old nephew looks at a possible life sentence behind bars.

Last week when Richard, a father of two young children, faced court, a shattered Ita took to the witness stand to reveal what an incredible bombshell it had been to learn of her nephew’s involvement in the drug trade.

She told the NSW District Court she had “no idea” he was sponsoring $1000 dinners, splashing out on expensive wine and selling bags of cocaine for $350 a pop to his friends and the Harbour City’s high flyers.

“I was absolutely shocked when I heard he was taking drugs,” Ita told the NSW District Court in Sydney last week. “He was the last person in the world [I would have suspected]…”

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