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Isla Fisher’s slimming secrets

Isla Fisher's slimming secrets

Isla Fisher has given a rare interview opening up about her slimming secrets and the pressure that Hollywood puts on celebrities.

The usually private actress, who is married to controversial funny man Sacha Baron Cohen, told Women’s Health magazine that although her confidence has been constantly tested in Hollywood, she never suffered body issues or felt pressured to bounce back after giving birth to her daughters Olive, 5, and Elula, 2.

“I’ve been blessed in that I never had any body issues during pregnancy. I loved being able to eat whatever I wanted and the whole experience of giving life,” she says.

“And I never worried about losing the weight afterwards, because breastfeeding burns all the calories up so fast. Breastfeeding – that’s my big slimming secret! That and Spanx. Anytime anyone compliments me on my figure, I’m wearing my Spanx undies.”

But things weren’t always easy for the former Home And Away star, who says that Hollywood rejection almost crushed her spirit more than once.

“After doing that [first Hollywood movie Wedding Crashers], I had 12 months where I was auditioning three times a day and I didn’t get a single job,” she says.

“That was a real low point. But with hindsight, those movies turned out to be awful, so I dodged a bullet. If I’d got any of them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Despite now being a big name in Hollywood, Isla still doesn’t take herself too seriously.

“I’m not actually very good at the maintenance thing. I don’t buff, exfoliate, pluck, rinse, moisturise, suck, bleach… whatever all those women do,” she says.

“I don’t have vajacials. Have you heard of those? It’s like a spa for your vagina!”

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