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Huey’s 10th anniversary special menu

By Jackie Brygel

Pictures: Gina Milicia

The TV chef shares his favourite recipes.

He’s one of our iconic TV chefs, a king of the kitchen who whips up one culinary delight after another for his army of devoted foodies.

And Iain Hewitson certainly has much to celebrate this year. As well as marking 10 years on our screens hosting Huey’s Cooking Adventures, he is also preparing for his 60th birthday.

Huey is also still relishing every moment of first-time fatherhood, to six-year-old daughter Charlotte. And there’s no doubt Charlotte and wife Ruth will be by Huey’s side when he toasts his birthday in October.

As Woman’s Day discovered, this is one cook who never seems to tire of slaving over a hot stove.

What does your daughter Charlotte enjoy eating?

She goes through stages. For one year when we’d take her out, she lived on spring rolls and fried rice. The next year, she was mad on dumplings. At the moment, she loves lamb cutlets and chicken wings. She’s also a good vegetable-eater.

Fatherhood came to you relatively late in life. Is it difficult to imagine what life was like before you had Charlotte?

Charlotte does seem to have been part of my life for ever. It’s been wonderful and a delight. And like all kids, she absolutely loves helping in the kitchen. She also loves coming on the show because it gives her a chance to show off and help Daddy cook.

Have you started planning a celebration for your 60th?

We’re going to France for my 60th. My brother lives in the south of France, so we’re going to visit him and then we’re all going to go to Paris and to some posh place for my 60th.

Have you chosen a restaurant yet?

I haven’t quite decided, so there’s three Parisian food guides on my desk at the moment. But I’ll be honest. I don’t want a place where everyone is sitting around in suits and talking in whispers and concentrating just on the food. I would far rather we go out and just have a really nice time.

Can anyone learn how to cook?

Yes, cooking is just about organisation — nothing more. Have everything chopped, weighed, and with your right pans sitting there on the bench before you start cooking.

It must be a huge compliment when someone tells you they tried your recipe and it was a success.

It’s beautiful. It means your recipes work, which they do, and that people feel they’re approachable enough to make.

For more of this interview with Huey, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale May 26).

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