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Holidaying with Mary

by Glen Williams

I went down to Tassie aiming to report on Princess Mary’s Aussie homecoming. This was going to be a happy family reunion, as it was the first time most of Mary’s rellies had come face to face with her very cute baby boy, Prince Christian.

I was told we might not be able to get too close, as this wasn’t an official royal tour but a “very private family holiday.” As it turned out, Mary is very generous. And while she was relishing her time back home among the family that love her, she was willing to get out and about and pose for pictures and not hide away. The whole family was very generous.

Photo album: Princess Mary’s Australian holiday.

Day one in Hobart saw me catching up with Mary’s lookalike sisters, Jane and Patricia. They were launching the Crown Princess Mary rose to raise money for the Heart Foundation. For every rose bush sold, one dollar goes to research into heart disease.

It’s a cause close to the Donaldsons’ hearts — they lost their dear mum Henrietta to heart problems back in 1997. Her passing, Jane told me, had devastating effects on all the family.

I was thrilled when Jane handed me a rose. There’s not many people who can say, ‘I’ve been given a rose by Princess Mary’s sister.’

I caught up with Mary’s sister-in-law Leanne, who told me the family were having a ball. And it showed. Mary was playful in the Salamanca Market place, one of her favourite haunts. And Christian couldn’t have had more fun as he splashed and played in the fountain of Salamanca.

Mary’s dad Professor John Donaldson was back in town for the occasion and he too was up for a chat. That’s the great thing about Mary and her family. They’re all just warm, very down to earth people.

We’ve got some great photos from Mary’s holiday. I’m sure she’ll want to add them to her own album as a keepsake.

And in keeping with her down to earth nature, when she left Hobart bound for Melbourne and more catch-ups with old friends and family, she didn’t go in a private jet. No, she flew Jetstar!

For more about Princess Mary’s homecoming, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day.

Photo album: Princess Mary’s Australian holiday.

Video: Princess Mary’s arrival in Australia.

More Princess Mary news.

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