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Haunted Mary flees the palace

Crown Princess Mary was forced to flee her palace in panic after a terrifying ordeal where she came face-to-face with the spirit of Prince Frederik’s dearly departed grandmother, Queen Ingrid.

Poor Mary came across the ghostly visitor while she was home alone at Kancellihuset, inside the shadowy grounds of Fredensborg Palace.

Queen Ingrid, whose daughter is Frederik’s mother, Queen Margrethe, lived at Kancellihuset, and died there at 90 from “old age” on November 7, 2000.

An ashen-faced and shaken Mary was seen running to the guard box outside the palace shortly after her chilling close encounter.

Royal staff confirm hearing strange bumps in the night and noticing flickering lights around the palace, and say the Queen’s ghost has been sighted several times since her death.

A bemused Crown Prince Frederik has allegedly told his spooked wife that his dead grandmother means no harm and that Mary should embrace the royal spectre…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale June 11).

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