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Harper Beckham is being showered with Christmas gifts

Harper Beckham is being showered with Christmas gifts

It’s not unusual for a new celebrity baby to be sent presents from fans of mum and dad. But things may be getting out of control for baby Harper Beckham, who is apparently being sent several bag loads a day packed with pretty packages!

A family friend of Posh and Becks says that Christmas is getting out of control for the Beckhams.

“Mostly, it all arrives to Victoria’s office address or at David or Victoria’s publicist’s offices. But there’s so much, they keep getting calls from staffers wanting to know what to do with it all! It’s completely jamming up their offices,” a friend close to the couple told Woman’s Day.

So, what are fans sending Harper?

“Mostly toys and rattles or little booties and cute girly outfits and blankets,” said the friend. “It’s crazy because this never happened with the boys. I guess people are just going wild with the idea of helping David and Victoria spoil their only little girl!”

Of course, the Beckham’s three boys Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, aren’t so happy to hear the world is sending their baby sister so many surprises — and leaving them out totally!

“It’s not that they want her toys, of course. They just find it hard to understand why they care about the baby so much and not them at all, you know? But Victoria handled it like a well-seasoned mum. She told everyone to calm down, since no one was getting the gifts. She has instructed everything to be donated to a charity for single mothers!”

This isn’t out of character for the designer mum, in fact, when she first announced she was having a girl and was showered with baby gifts, she and David donated the extra gifts to a local charity store in LA. This time, at least one truck full of items have been given away.

“And there should be at least another truck full or two coming before the holidays are over! Funny, we’re supposed to be in a recession, but people somehow have money to buy gifts for a baby they’ve never met and is born to two of the richest and most famous people in the world,” said a pal. “Just think how bad it’s going to be when the royals have their baby! I can’t even imagine!”

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