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Gwyneth steers George Clooney away from Vanity Fair

Gwyneth steers George Clooney away from Vanity Fair

As Vanity Fair continues to pen a scathing tell-all article about Gwyneth Paltrow, the actress has ramped up her own attack right back on the magazine.

The Iron Man 3 star was already requesting that her celebrity circle of friends steer clear of the publication, after it vowed to bring her down.

The 41-year-old has now increased her efforts to “destroy” the coveted magazine’s reputation before they can publish the expose on her, a source told Radar Online.

“She wants the magazine’s reputation destroyed before they can publish anything on her,” the source said.

Gwyneth initially sent an email to Hollywood A-listers asking them not to participate in the magazine’s expose, stating: “If you’re asked for quotes or comments, please decline. Also, I recommend you all never do this magazine again.”

Now she’s asked those involved in the magazine’s Hollywood Issue cover, which features numerous stars in a special edition, to pull out of the cover commitment.

While she has successfully convinced good friend George Clooney to withdraw from the cover shoot, she hasn’t had as much luck with Julia Roberts, who remains good friends with the magazine’s editor, Graydon Carter.

“[Julia] is ignoring Gwyneth, has no problem with Graydon and is happily still committed to appear on the cover of that issue,” the source said.

“It’s probably ended any chance of a friendship between the two of them.”

Although Graydon is determined to print the article, the tell-all failed to appear in the latest issue, sparking rumours the magazine had backed down.

But the article, which is expected to detail Gwyneth’s possible infidelities with Miami hotelier Jeff Soffer, which she denies, and a number of other salacious details about the star, is still set to go ahead.

“It’s still going to run and it could possibly break online in the next two to three weeks,” the source said.

“Too many resources have been ploughed into it and too many bridges have been burnt for it to be killed.”

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