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Gwyneth Paltrow tops most hated celebrity list

Gwyneth Paltrow has found herself at the top of the world's best dressed list, but the most recent listing sees the actress named the most hated celebrity in Hollywood.
Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow has found herself at the top of the worldโ€™s best dressed list and sits comfortably in the number one spot on a New York Times best-selling book list, but the most recent listing sees the actress named the most hated celebrity in Hollywood.


Paltrow sits just above Twilight star Kristen Stewart on the Star magazine list, and is apparently more hated than accused domestic abuse perpetrator Chris Brown and presumed celebrity adulterers Ashton Kutcher and Jesse James.

But what is it that makes the actress so intolerable?

There is the wacky diet she forces on her kids, the botox and cigarettes, and the time she recommended almost half a million dollars worth of warbrobe essentials for the average woman.

But could it also have something to do with her best-selling healthy eating book that apparently actually works, looking amazing at 40, her happy marriage, or her successful foray into entrepreneurialism with her lifestyle website and e-commerce project.


Facebook COO and author of modern feminist manifesto Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg, who herself was pictured on the cover of TIME magazine with the tagline โ€œDonโ€™t hate her because sheโ€™s successfulโ€, has a theory about women, success, and being liked or hated.

1. Gwyneth Paltrow

2. Kristen Stewart

3. Jennifer Lopez


4. John Mayer

5. Katherine Heigl

6. Matt Lauer

7. Madonna


8. Justin Bieber

9. Anne Hathaway

10. Kris Jenner

11. Kim Kardashian


12. LeAnn Rimes

13. Ashton Kutcher

14. Jay Leno

15. Angelina Jolie


16. Lindsay Lohan

17. Shia LaBeouf

18. Taylor Swift

19. Jesse James


20. Chris Brown

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