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Grant and Candice: Why they split

Grant and Candice: Why they split

Olympic swimming great Grant Hackett has separated from his wife Candice Alley after a series of alcohol-fuelled incidents, including an “embarrassing” fight at their Melbourne apartment that ended when the police arrived.

“I can confirm media speculation that Candice and I have separated,” Grant said in a statement released last Thursday. “I want to be dignified in my approach to everything and ensure the children’s needs are paramount and put first. I wish Candice every success. It is my hope that everybody can respect the process and be kind to all parties involved, as it is a very difficult time.”

Friends says Grant’s drunken antics at the TV Week Logie Awards at Crown Melbourne last month were the final straw for Candice, who was humiliated when bouncers asked the Olympian to leave an after-party at Club 23 at 3am. It was his second embarrassing incident in the past six months.

Up to eight police cars were called to the couple’s Southbank apartment on October 31 last year, after neighbours heard a loud argument and smashing furniture. The pair had just returned from a Derby Day function, which Grant, 31, hosted for Westpac Bank.

He later claimed the fight was “very much unfortunate and out of character for me”. “I am overwhelmingly embarrassed and apologetic and look forward to putting this incident behind us,” he said at the time. Friends say he and Candice, 29, have struggled to reconcile their differences ever since, and the blonde singer finally asked Grant to move out when his drunken appearance at the Logies made headlines.

Read more about Grant and Candice’s split in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 7, 2012.

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