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Giaan Rooney: I’m engaged!

Chrissie Swan: I'm pregnant at last!

The Olympic golden girl and her ‘country boy’ are set to wed.

Gorgeous Olympic gold medallist Giaan Rooney is on a high after her chopper pilot boyfriend Sam Levett proposed during a trip to Bali. And it’s no wonder – she’s been on quite a journey since meeting the country boy over a year ago. “Yep, it’s been quite a ride!” Giaan laughs.

She can say that again. While Giaan, 28, is going about her day in Melbourne, where she works as a presenter on Wide World Of Sports and Getaway, life’s ticking along at a very different pace for Sam, 27, who spends nine months of the year based in the Northern Territory flying helicopters.

It was soon after pairing up with Giaan – the couple got together in November 2009, on Giaan’s 27th birthday – that a road trip was planned to Sam’s family farm, outside Gundagai in NSW.

“We went up there to mark calves,” Sam says. “Marking calves literally means castrating and branding them. I put her straight in the yards with about 30 of my cousins – it was do or die!”

Apart from getting a bruise from a feisty calf, Giaan passed the test with flying colours. “I knew Sam was trying to see whether I would be able to cut the mustard. But I’m up for new experiences,” she says.

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