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George Clooney turns 50!

George Clooney turns 50!

George Clooney, Hollywood’s hottest bachelor, just gets better with age. We celebrate the sexy silver fox’s half-century with a look back at his brilliant career and the loves of his life.

While it may seem like only yesterday that he turned up as the fresh-faced Dr Doug Ross on the long-running US medical drama ER, next month George Clooney will celebrate half a century on this earth.

Most people would consider their 50th birthday a major milestone, but this dashing star with the come-to-bed eyes and distinguished grey hair says it’s no big deal.

In fact, he doesn’t mind getting older. Not that it isn’t a surprise to him, mind you. “It’s an interesting thing to watch yourself grow older on screen,” George once told a British newspaper. “I was watching [his 2009 movie] Up In The Air and I thought, ‘Who’s the old grey-haired guy?’ I never wear make-up for movies, and it’s starting to show.

“It’s funny, because most male actors work with actresses who are considerably younger. But earlier on in my career I was working with a lot of actresses who were my age or older, so people always thought I was older anyway. Now I’m going through this thing with people thinking I’m about 60!”

Despite this, George insists he has no problems with seeing his craggy face on screen – and says he hopes he’ll continue to get the opportunity in the years to come.

“I’m kind of comfortable with getting older, because it’s better than the other option, which is being dead!” he says.

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