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4 things we hope happen on the season finale of GoT

For those who are still at work and can't watch the season six finale just yet, we can only speculate what may happen.

For die-hard fans who tuned in to the Game of Thrones season 6 finale already and don’t have to be chained to a work desk right now, don’t spoil it for the rest of us, ok?

But for those who are waiting to get out of work asap to race home and watch it, we can only speculate what may happen.

The possibilities are endless now that the show has surpassed the book (and also that George R. R. Martin throws us shock twists and deaths of favourite characters left, right and centre).

So, here are four major things we hope happens in the 69-minute season finale:

King Tommen dies in High Septon/Lannister crossfire

The High Septon has gotten way too much power, way too quickly (can’t he just die already?) all thanks to King Tommen being so easily manipulated. Cersei is about to take her trial and her brother Jaime and the Tyrells are ready to take down the Faith Militants.

They’ve got an army (plus The Mountain) waiting for the final order, so we think it’s about to go down. We’re sure this finale will end with major bloodshed as both sides go up against each other, with King Tommen likely being killed in the crossfire.

The death of Cersei’s son Tommen will mean that the old witch’s dark prophecy about Cersei (of her three children all being murdered) will come true.

Dany will set sail for Westeros

Now that she’s got at least 100 ships from Theon and Yara Greyjoy, a massive Dothraki army and three dragons, there’s no better time for Daenerys to set sail for Westeros to claim the Iron Throne.

Theon and Yara’s uncle Euron may arrive in Meereen this episode and with Dany’s agreement with Yara, Euron should be killed. Dany might take Euron’s ships as well, making her army almost unstoppable.

The fierce young queen has been wanting it desperately this entire series so it’s only fair we see her get on board the ships (or Drogon’s back) to head to King’s Landing. Yep, the Lannister’s should be VERY worried.

The R + L = J theory is confirmed

The Tower of Joy scene has been teased this whole season and book lovers have been speculating it for years.

So with Bran now able to see into the past with his Three-Eyed Raven abilities, surely they’d have to confirm the theory that Jon Snow’s parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark in this last episode. We think there’d be mutiny amongst the GoT fan community if we had to wait another year to learn if it’s true.

Arya gets back to Westeros and kills Cersei

Now that she’s killed the waif and declared herself as Arya Stark of Winterfell instead of ‘No One’, she’ll be making her way back home.

But Cersei has always been on her ‘kill’ list, so what’s stopping her from using her assassin skills and ticking Cersei off the list?

Ok sure, it might not happen just yet, but we can dream, right?

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