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The 5 funniest tweets about the US ‘cheese surplus’

Americans have been told they are drowning in cheese, and instead of crumbling, they are taking it lightly. #cheesesurplus

You guys, America is facing a pretty big problem. And this problem is old, it’s smelly and it’s rather partial to growing mouldy bits… no, no, we’re not talking about Donald Trump, we’re talking about cheese. ‘Merica is overrun with the stuff at the moment.

It appears Europe’s low export prices of cheese has resulted in a great “cheese glut over taking America,” reports the Wall Street Journal.

Apparently there is so much cheese that every person in the country would need to eat an extra 1.3 kilos this year to work off the surplus.

And while this is all a bit grating for the US dairy industry, some have taken to Twitter to shed some humour on the situation.

Here is some of the best commentary Twitter has to offer:

Cheese lover Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) quite rightly notes: “There is no such thing as surplus cheese, there’s just cheese which hasn’t been eaten yet.”

Erin Gloria Ryan (@morninggolria) is taking the problem personally: “Ever since I learned the US is experiencing a cheese surplus I’ve felt a deep and personal sense of failure.”

David M. Green (@David_M_Green) thinks Aussies might have some explaining to do: “Kim Beazley leaves his post as Australia’s ambassador to the US & now the US has the biggest #cheese surplus in history.”

But never fear, Corinna Carney (@corinnarc) has a real solution: “Since we have this ginormous cheese surplus issue, I think we’d all agree that it’s crucial we use it to make the world’s largest pizza.”

And Jennifer Levine (@jlevine3) feels like this crisis is in fact her calling: “MY TIME HAS COME puts on superhero outfit

In the meantime, we’ll be praying to Cheeses for y’all.

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