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Fizzy bath bombs

Materials (to make 5-6 bombs) 1 cup bicarbonate of soda 1/2 cup cornflour 1/4 cup citric acid (see note below) Essential oil of your choice Food colouring Soap moulds (from craft stores)

Note Both citric acid and bicarbonate of soda are available from baking sections of supermarkets.


1 SIFTING Sift bicarbonate of soda, cornflour and citric acid into a dry bowl and mix well.

2 ESSENTIAL OIL & COLOUR Transfer half the mixture into a smaller bowl. Add 20 drops essential oil, 10 drops colouring and rub in quickly with your fingertips. Transfer mixture back to larger bowl and blend the two mixtures with your fingertips until well combined.

3 ADDING MOISTURE Transfer half the mixture back to the smaller bowl. Using a mist spray bottle, spray mixture with a little water and quickly mix with your fingertips to stop the fizzing. Add water in short sprays and mix until mixture will stay compressed when squeezed in your hand. You need very little water and it is important not to cause the mixture to fizz too much.

4 MOULDS Add a drop of essential oil to your finger and wipe around the inside of the soup moulds. Press the combined mixture firmly into the moulds. It begins to harden very quickly and, with a gently tap, the bombs can be very carefully unmoulded onto baking paper after about 5 minutes so you can re-use the moulds for the next batch. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with remaining mixture to make more bath bombs. Allow to dry completely overnight before packaging.

Tip Flat shells and hearts are easiest to handle. The star-shaped bombs are more fragile.

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