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Fevola love feud

Alex Fevola dances off with Arsen

The footballer realises it’s finally over as his ex, Alex Fevola, and her hunky DWTS partner waltz out of the studio and on into the night.

The Dancing With The Stars finale party was still raging at Melbourne’s trendy Riva bar when, in the early hours of the morning, two of the show’s star attractions quietly slipped out together.

Sharing a cab, Alex Fevola and her handsome on-screen dancing partner, Arsen Kishishian, headed to Seasons Botanic Gardens hotel and approached the check-in counter with, as one guest noted, “their arms wrapped around each other affectionately”.

“They looked like a young couple in love,” the onlooker says of the pair, whose relationship has been whispered about since they were matched for the TV contest three months ago.

“They were very tactile, throwing their arms around one another and cuddling,” he adds of Alex and her ballroom champion partner Arsen. After hearing of their hotel tryst, a crew member questioned what was going on between the photogenic twosome, who are both Melbourne residents.

“Both Arsen and Alex live there, so I’m not sure why they would be checking into a hotel in the same city,” he explains.

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