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Fergie’s bizarre claim: ‘Diana made me fat’

Sarah says her relationship with Princess Diana added to her weight hell.

The former Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, has spoken out about her years of yo-yo dieting, comparing her struggle to that of an alcoholic, and saying her friendship with the late Princess Diana contributed to her weight-gain hell.

Speaking to the UK Sunday Telegraph‘s Stella magazine, a frank Fergie has revealed that her unhealthy competitive relationship with Diana had added to her body image woes.

“I remember Diana saying to me, ‘Well, it’s easier for you. I’m at the top of the pedestal, and I have only one way to go. You’re at the bottom, so you can only really go up’,” Sarah recalls.

Admitting she found unflattering comparisons between herself and Diana devastating, the 49-year-old former Weight Watchers spokesperson says she was caught in a cycle of emotional eating. Her weight ballooned to more than 90kg in the mid-1990s, and she was labelled the “Duchess of Pork” by the British press.

“I was so unhappy I ate all the time, and then I was pilloried for being overweight, and on the cycle went. I didn’t know how to break it,” says the mother of Princesses Beatrice, 20, and Eugenie, 18.

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